welcome to the blog.doc

I think in about 90% of cases, creativity, like a slightly disappointing firework display, dies before it begins. I say slightly because as I’m sure you know, all fireworks displays are good fireworks displays and just like pizza, and the Olympics, they are kind of good before they are bad, so therefore never really bad. Creativity leaves a nest of empty possibilities and innovation, lightly lined with the reminiscence of hours of procrastination on Youtube, empty bottles of mountain dew and the general feeling of “ah how great that would have been,” like a martini glass rimmed with salt. I think if this sort of thing didn’t exist our entire civilisation would be considerably more advanced. To aid this generalised and slightly nihilistic comment, I introduce you to a metaphor which I will think of before I finish this sentence.

Ok, I lied, there is no metaphor, but does there need to be one? Must we use a relatable situation in order to aid our visualisation of a complex and somewhat uninteresting statement? If the answer here is yes then I’m going to have to work a lot harder here over the rest of my internet life in order to manifest my thoughts into understandable human lingo. But if the answer is no or “I haven’t decided” (for the doubtful neo-liberals) then welcome to this space of shallow web. A lot of what I say and think doesn’t really make much sense, and I have to say I am slightly fearful therefore about this prospect of sharing it, but I figured I belong on this web too, and I will try to project here what good ideas rise to my mind.

A few words before I depart to go dream up a new post:

  1. I started this blog as procrastination. yes.
  2. Posts, therefore, WILL be infrequent but quality over quantity
  3. You will find that I am a fan of many things, and I am as much open to criticism as Donald Trump is open to keeping the second amendment. Therefore my opinions, political or otherwise, are fluid and open to expansion or change, which I think is the beauty of having them in the first place.
  4. Open to post suggestions too.

Alright folks,

see you in the next one (how do you sign these off?)


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